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Heart-stones, ***story, and the nature of our realm w Mike Wilkerson of Stellium7

The reason i accidentally came across Mike is ROCKS and STONES! I spent a lot of time on a stony beach in the autmn-winter-spring of 2020-21, receiving great peace and and healing from 'the Ancient Ones' as they are known in native nature based cultures. It occurred to me as i spent hours pottering along amongst 'them' that all stones are not equal. Some appeared to have distinct shapes, colours, and even tones when struck, that i perceived was INHERENT to that very particular stone. Many very evidently composites of earth, sand, plantmatter and fossils, and others had their own expression and manifestation that could not be a result of being tumbled around in glaciers for millennia. I relish the opportunity to allow my mind to explore beyond the box and preconceived ideas; an active process of listening rather than projecting a fixed worldview onto reality; beliefs create perception right? In listening, sometimes there's a dead end, or a fizzling into nothing. Sometimes one strikes gold, seeing a different coherent perspective. I offer this as a way of practicing allowing your mind to explore different possibilities beyond the plethora of useless information instead of life-skills that is taught in school, an invitation to use your own discernment and process of inquiry, as well as determining knowing what it actually is YOU know, if something doesn't resonate. I came across Mike's work in 2021 and reached out asking for an interview: "A mind-stretching perspective of human history, chiropractic, anatomy, bio-geology, petrified hearts and titans with Mike Wilkerson of Stellium7. I had the great pleasure of getting to speak with Mike about his work, which i stumbled upon by chance after months of collecting all these very curious shaped stones on the beach here in Ireland. It turns out we have both Ojai, CA and Sweden in common! Check out his channels below for much more detailed work and fascinating inquiry into the nature of physical reality, human history, petrified organs, the function of the heart and the titaneous mountain of Montgo. Enjoy!!"

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