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Energy Management 101 class recording

This class was offered with very late notice so my apologies if you saw the post too late to join; i hope you get a chance to have some time to yourself and enjoy the recording. Being live on the call really is preferred as for some reason, it's much easier to 'get into' any practice, unless you're extremly disciplined, when somebody is present and 'holding the space' for that amount of time. All newsletters, notifications and updates on upcoming live sessions will be posted a couple of days in advance in the future, apart from when i have a spontaneous thing i want to share! As is often the case, instead of talking ABOUT things on an intellectual level, in this class we worked with and through the energy of this time as it is present for those present (for live or recording!) navigating the paradoxical hecticness of the external world with the slowing down and going inwards of nature at this time of year, from the wisdom and knowing of the Body. This recording gives you the opportunity to come into yourself and land in your bones, to come into connection again beyond the fray. SO that natural balance and ease can be known, and felt. Enjoy this recording, set aside an hour and a half for yourself and land. All classes, sessions and recordings will move into the Private Members Forum in January. I highly recommend being a subscribed full Private Member; because in these live sessions, regardless of the subject, you can always share and ask your questions, and there is usually room being made to assist anyone that asks to harmonize their body-mind-spirit back through the specific energetics that effect them. So your chance to have a mini-session for stuff that's niggling you for only the price of the full membership. Wishing you all a happy final week before Solstice.

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