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Into 2024 - upcoming Sligo Sessions and online One to Ones highlight post strong Solstice and Christmas.

Dear beautiful living breathing heart-pulsing people,

Yes, sometimes we need to rest and sometimes we need to engage to MOVE SOME ENERGY as we'll have work to do in the coming year, and i hope you'll take advantage of one of these offerings at this time to support you in your life. This newsletter is about the upcoming weekend Medicine Work Mini- Retreat 6th-7th Jan and a further super Sligo offering of other Remembrance Work Sessions fest coming up in Sligo in the beginning of 2024, because i'll be there! Also i snuck in a very important video in one of the paragraphs. More on House of Remembrance members club and content very soon, we have exciting things coming up.

I hope you had a beautiful and at least in parts peaceful Solstice and Christmas, whether with or without family, or friends. I pray you got some time to fully relax, feel and truly appreciate the gifts this Solstice and Christmas season offers, whether you celebrate or not; this descent into darkness, the darkest time of the year with the Solstice, before the re-emerging of light with longer days, beckoning reconciliation, healing and clarity around 'content' that hides in the shadows otherwise.

In this vein, Christmas might have offered some sacred pressure cooking for previously hidden LOVE, clarity, connection to self or others, as well as expertly elevating in technicolour fearful or hurting parts of ourselves or others, for our attention, learning, forgiveness, compassion and transmutation. For many, this was not an entirely easy time.

A very strong time, these days, and it may be for some time to come. Crippling, or empowering, depending on whether we accept, or have the space and wherewithal to embody our own place and participation in the unfolding. Much revelation and growth available, especially due to the 'lights in the skies that are for signs' (astrology); the memories and history of our family lines surfacing with close proximity, unexpressed and unreleased emotions and trauma or new or old, within ourselves and others; simmering anxiety from manufactured potentially energy stealing probe-lem - re-action and-soul-ution scenarios playing out in the world (fear and chaos is so very profitable if you control it but also there are the real facts of what is actually occurring; i do recommend everyone to watch this and one might see the importance of 'doing the work' on every level right now.) Add to this all a hefty sprinkling of the pressures of cultural and social programming surrounding this season and it may have been intense.

If you are here, now, reading this, you were possibly, as it's been called, made for these times. Perhaps even choose it? I know, sometimes you just want to hide under the cover, and that's ok too! We can meet ourselves everywhere. Nature is good... What is waiting to be retrieved and restored that only you can, big or small?

In the light of what can be intense and challenging and/or deeply revelatory, healing and indeed peaceful and joyful times, in this newsletter i share 4 things including work that continue to greatly benefit people in coming back to ease within their body and mind, clarity, and an alive peacefulness, beyond apathy or overwhelm. In section FOUR below i share how the work might benefit you depending on what is up, and what is needed on your path at this time! In sections ONE to THREE i highlight the current offerings that are immensely helpful and can be huge catalysts for subtle or more radical shifts, back to balance.

ONE. YES! This is a beautiful opportunity to work through some stuff alongside TWO powerful Medicine Women / Shamans - i for one am grateful i'll be in the work! Our mini-medicine work retreat in Sligo 6th-7th Jan is filling up, but there is still time to book a couple of well needed days for journeying through what might be bothering you. Book HERE or more below. Myself and Anne-Marie can't wait to be with you here.

TWO. One to One sessions - i'm called to highlight these at this time because many people are reaching out now and are coming away with immense benefit, healing, clarity and ease of body-mind. Please know that a One to One session may really help you get clarity, release something, or bring deep peace, balance or shift in perspective where it's needed. Book HERE, reply to this email or more below.

THREE. Sligo Sessions - i'll be in Sligo and seeing people in person for One to One sessions as well as hosting some class sessions in Louise Waters Natural Therapies Studio.

FOUR. How the 'work' and 'teachings' i offer can benefit you in many different ways. 


Our two days of medicine work -retreat in Avena, Ballisodare, co. Sligo on the 6th-7th or January is filling up but there is still time to book your place HERE for this powerful weekend retreat, that'll really give you time and space to go deep and clear the decks for 2024: Two days (or one, your choice) of being in energy medicine / shamanic practices specifically chosen to assist what we're moving through at this time. A really beautiful present to yourself if you're struggling to deal with stuff at this time, or if you just know that you need the time and space to authentically and fully connect with yourself at this time, to rest, to feel, to be, or to process, to get greater clarity around something. You are welcome, as you are. Much much healing and relief is offered through this mini-retreat, with great joy as we anticipate the capacity awaiting to be known by and as You. In circle, in ceremony, and internally. A very powerful and rare offering, as this work will mostly take place on the full shamanic foundation training this year.  


YES - you can book and have a One to One session online; they are SO SO very helpful, and universally well appreciated especially at this time, so i want to remind you that they exist. Many are benefitting... Sessions are 1hr - 1hr and 15mins. I don't 'do' anything, or 'heal' you; sessions are profoundly helpful in bringing you back to yourself, beyond whatever is out of whack. Tuned into the 'field', together we walk through, acknowledge, address and dissolve the stuck or challenging places within the body, mind and psyche that currently prevents balance, peace of mind and access to all of your vital energy and capacity for clarity and choice. Click HERE to book your session or reply to this email to arrange an appointment. Very helpful for moving through stuck mental-emotional patterns, archetypal shadow


MORE SLIGO SESSIONS - the Remembrance Work - i'm very honoured and grateful to, for the first time, offer in person One to One sessions in my medicine sister Louise Waters beautiful Studio in Sligo town from the 4th through to the 11th of January, along with Subtle Body Anatomy & Energy Medicine Clinic Session. EMAIL ME TO BOOK BY REPLYING!

One to One in person Sessions - Available on the following days; Thursday 4th, Monday 8th, or Wednesday 10th - please respond to this email to book (veronicayoga at gmail dot com.) Sessions are 125 euro.

Subtle Body Anatomy & Energy Medicine Group Clinic

Monday 8th January 6.30pm - 8.30pm (30 euro)

Wednesday 10th January 10am - 12am (30 euro)

Saturday 13th January 10.30am - 1.30pm (45 euro)

These Sessions will assist you, your body-mind and nervous system to come into harmonious relationship with the balanced perfection already in your blueprint, through practices of movement, contemplation, meditation, rest, breathwork, allowing, reflection, energy work, feeling, processing, sharing: time and space to bring aspects of yourself back to balance. I'll be working with those present at the time with the sole purpose of connection to one's own knowing and being at peace with oneself. I very much look forward to meeting you here.

You can find Louise's work HERE.


What IS 'the work' or the medicine?

The 'work' or the 'teachings' help people in many different ways;

Health and physical issues: Remove worrying from the equation. We examine whether issues stem from structural imbalances, undetected stress factors, hidden fear, trauma, unreleased emotions or something else. Are there archetypal shadow-sides running the show instead of YOU that impact how your physiology is able to function? Do they stem from nutritional deficiencies? Or structural or energetic imbalances? Toxic overload of a physical, mental or emotional nature? All of these aspects come into view.

Relationships: What is yours, and what isn't? What archetypal shadow-sides nervous system programs and reactions are 'protecting' you, from truly knowing who you are and from the full capacity and love you are here to experience? Would you like to be able to change how you react, communicate and participate with others, from a place of authenticity and peace? See what causes parts of you to be shut down, defensive or attacking, so that you can choose to create more effective communication and harmonious, uplifting relationships that allow you to enjoy yourself and others. 

Finances: What is practical and what is energetic? What causes or prevents flow, or having? What fears, shadows of lack, or indeed lack of responsibility are causing less than an aligned abundance?

Work/profession/vocation: Untangle places of stress, resentment, fear, distrust and insecurities so you can see clearly how you can and want to participate in life according to the unique skills and wisdom you are and offer, and know how you can take full responsibility to improve aspects of the equation, instead of just pushing on from fear, or becoming a choiceless victim. Great places to practice one's yoga or spirituality :)

Spiritual: This does not mean believing in anything, it is more a matter of; do you feel deeply connected, safe and have a great sense and ease around who you are, and what your place and purpose here are? Does your connection to Nature, Creation, Creator, Spirit support you in your growth, living and creating in any of the above areas, or have you forgotten how to connect, or not taken the time? Are you truly happy to spend time in your own company? The work offers ample space for you to fully come back into balance, wholeness and connection through your body-mind.


Also, did you see Ronan-anothony's Web Privacy Offering? You can explore and learn all about it here, and he'll have more to say on the subject very soon. It's THIS.

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